The Andante card is rechargeable.
One Andante card per person.
Keep carefully your Andante card.
The validity period for Andante Blue card is 1 year.
The validity period for Andante PVC card is 5 years
The Andante card is rechargeable.
One Andante card per person.
Keep carefully your Andante card.
The validity period for Andante Blue card is 1 year.
The validity period for Andante PVC card is 5 years
The Andante card is rechargeable.
One Andante card per person.
Keep carefully your Andante card.
The validity period for Andante Blue card is 1 year.
The validity period for Andante PVC card is 5 years
The Andante card is rechargeable.
One Andante card per person.
Keep carefully your Andante card.
The validity period for Andante Blue card is 1 year.
The validity period for Andante PVC card is 5 years
The Andante card is rechargeable.
One Andante card per person.
Keep carefully your Andante card.
The validity period for Andante Blue card is 1 year.
The validity period for Andante PVC card is 5 years
The Andante card is rechargeable.
One Andante card per person.
Keep carefully your Andante card.
The validity period for Andante Blue card is 1 year.
The validity period for Andante PVC card is 5 years


Andante in numbers

Million monthly validations
Adhering Operators
Sale Points.

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